The Choice - Day 4

(CW Suicide)

Feeding never came naturally to Hex, and they stumbled through the motions every time. Tonight was no different.

The young man Hex spotted was inebriated and they easily followed. Eventually, the crowd had thinned out and it was just Hex and the young man on the sidewalk. The man seemed to be in good spirits as Hex moved closer.

‘Hey,’ his words were spurred as he noticed Hex next to them, ‘you seem pretty awesome. I like your coat.’

Hex smiles and looked at the black trench coat covered in patches, ‘Thanks. Did you need some help walking home?’

’Maybe. I’m not sure I want to go home yet. It’s too quiet there.’

Hex nodded ‘Fair. I’ll leave you be.’ And they turned to leave, turning on their charms and catching the mans eye.

’No, please don’t. Let’s just walk for a while.’ The man said ‘My name’s Cody, what’s yours?’

’Hex,’ they reply. ‘Wanna head to the river?’

The man nods and the two walk in silence for a while. Cody breaks the silence ‘I don’t drink often. I had an off day and wanted to blow off steam. I’ve been in a bit of a low point recently.’

Hex nods awkwardly ‘I understand that feeling all too well. You are welcome to vent to a stranger if you need.’

Cody falls silent again for a few minutes until they reach the river banks. ‘I’ve come to this river many time to sit and think. About my life, my failures, how I’ve disappointed everyone I’ve ever cared about. And I think about what it is like to drown.’

’Dying sucks, Cody. Take it from me. You don’t want to do it.’ Hex felt very inadequate at that moment, not knowing what to say.

‘Does it really though? I don’t have the strength to do it anyway. I never had. But….but maybe you could?’

Hex’s whole body stiffened ‘Cody…are you asking me to kill you?’

’I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be asking a stranger. You just seemed like someone death would listen too.’

Hex snorted ‘Death and I have a complicated relationship.’ Hex grabbed Cody’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. ‘Let’s keep walking, get away from this dark place for you.’

The pair walked through the streets with Cody leading and they eventually ended up in front of Cody’s apartments. Hex made sure Cody was headed inside, then made their way across the street to sit and watch.

Thirty minutes later, Cody came back out and started walking back to the river. Hex followed behind out of sight, making sure their eye was always on the troubled man. But Cody never made it to the river bank. A larger masked person came from behind and hit Cody in the head, knocking him unconscious. As the man went through Cody’s pockets, Hex came out from the shadows, rage fueling their actions.

As Hex quickly closed the gap, time seemed to stop. Hex could see their hands reaching out to grab the assailant and knew this man would be crushed.

But did Hex have to kill him? They could very easily let this man go and just scare them away. Why was Hex reacting this way over a stranger?

Life or death. In this moment, Hex had a choice. Or they liked to think they had a choice.

But Hex’s beast had plans, and it roared to life and the mans head rotated unnaturally. Hex fell with the body, feeding off him before the blood grew too cold.

The river wasn’t far, and it was dark out still, so nobody saw the body splash into the river.

Hex went back over to Cody and easily picked them up. They made their way back to Cody’s apartment, where Hex made sure Cody stayed awake in case he had a concussion.

When dawn came, Hex couldn’t leave and was forced to stay in Cody’s apartment. Luckily they had a spare bedroom he used as an office and Hex could sleep undisturbed.

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